Find and replace, a new useful tool


You might already be familiar with my website and my tools over at minimalist-work (now called iDO tools). A new tool is joining the toolbox!

The Find and replace tool will allow to to replace a given pattern in task names and section names for a given project.

Example use cases:

  • include “PROJECT_NAME >” before each task name in a template and use my tool to replace them all with the actual project name
  • include a “CANDIDATE_NAME” in sections and tasks for an onboarding template and replace them in one go

Let me know if you find the tool useful and if you have ideas to improve it. I usually don’t give everything for free: in this case, you’ll have to use my own pattern in your templates unless you get a token. I believe this is fair enough :slight_smile:

Take care!


Very nice tool @Bastien_Siebman just tested it!
This will be a huge timesaver for many for sure

Does this work on subtasks too?

I believe it does, I would have to test again. Would that make you use the tool @Bryan_Do ?

This is really cool and super useful! However, it would be more useful if I could designate a specific task instead of a whole project (paste in the task link instead of the project link). As an example, I have a “Podcast” project. Each podcast episode is a task with a set of 20 subtasks. The title of the task and each subtask begins with the Episode Number (<REPLACE_ME>). For each episode, I duplicate the master/template task and then replace the <REPLACE_ME> with the actual episode number.

@Kelsey_Livingston as a workaround for now you can multi-home the task in a project and run the tool against this project. Then remove the task from the project, add another one and so on :slight_smile:
would it be acceptable?

I could code the feature to target a task, it would require a paid token though.