Filtering by multiple assignees in a board

Is there a way to filter board tasks by multiple assignees?


Welcome back :wave:
The advanced search would allow you to do that, but not to see the result as a board layout view. However this might come in the near future, as the ability to switch between list and board is on the way.

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Hi @Emily_Maddox!

I completely understand what you are looking to achieve here. As of now, you cannot filter by multiple assignees in board projects, however, as @Bastien_Siebman mentioned, you can achieve something similar with the advanced search feature.

I have moved your post to the product feedback category to enable votes. Thanks for sharing this feedback!

Let me know if you have any questions :wink:

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I ended up adding a custom field that allowed me to sort by people in that “group” which was a good work around, but I still think it would be useful!


Any update on the ability to filter a board by assignee ? (without re-sorting the board items as suggested at How to filter Board tasks by assignee?)

Hi everyone, just wanted to share that it’s already possible to filter by multiple assignees on board view :slight_smile: We also have some upcoming updates to group by on board view, stay tuned!