Filterable Number Fields

Number fields cannot be filtered. When wanting to filter a number, I’m using a work around to make it a Dropdown type instead. However, I don’t ultimately want to end up using a whole lot of dropdown options just because I can’t filter.

Making number fields filterable would solve this issue of clean, productive custom number fields.

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Hi @anon49214756, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future. I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

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This has been open for some time now. Let me add a us case to revive it: we have an Asana project with open deals from HubSpot (synced via, of course). I want to filter that project to only see deals of a certain amount ($, as a custom field).

more use cases listed in this third party solution

How is this still not a feature 3 years later? This seems super basic and the lack of it makes me want to switch to a cloud spreadsheet where I could easily build it along with all the other features and automations that I need but Asana does or does not have.

So my org just upgraded to Advanced and we are on a trial. I’m trying to do basic things like filtering a project using a custom number field and realized this is still not a feature. Really? Also, I can’t create a rule using a number field.

So let’s say I want to see my tasks that have been prioritized (customer number field not empty) - I can’t do this. Or if I want create a rule to update a task if the task has been prioritized (number field not empty) - I can’t do this. Thank god for the trial.

Welcome, @Roman_Kokoszka, and sorry you’ve run into these omissions.

Asana doesn’t implement every feature completely, for better or worse. I suspect if it were to do so, the product would become a lot less usable to many (while it would become more usable to some).

You’re needs are certainly valid and not unreasonable, and perhaps will be implemented, but as you wrote, it’s good that you have the trial.



Hi Larry,

I can’t think of a single user who would find Asana “less usable” because they can now filter on number fields. Absurd to say the least…but I acknowledge your understanding of Asana’s shortfall.


By “usable,” I was referring to the product’s overall usability, which can tend to be inversely proportional to its complexity, and especially for lesser-used functionality. (FWIW, my career has been in interaction design, user experience, and usability.)