Expand charts x-axis limit for dashboards / reporting

I’m diving into the new reporting feature and have hit a bit of an issue with the limit on the x-axis for how many data points can be displayed. (Demo video below.) The “expanded” view for a chart will only show 18 items on the x-axis and the non-expanded view is based on the window size. I can make my window really large and see more than 18 items, which then gets worse when I expand the view. It is also frustrating that the Download Image option literally downloads the current view you are seeing, and not a view of all of the data.

Some ideas or ways to solve this:

Demo of my issues https://youtu.be/blh8R7rfVYM (edit: updated link to video)

I’m trying to use custom fields to generate reports, but I’m running into this sizing issue with a lot of our custom fields. Thanks


Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback, @Anthony_Tamalonis!

I’ll pass this on to our Product team and keep you in the loop on any updates :slight_smile:


Excellent suggestions, @Anthony_Tamalonis. I voted and hope these are addressed.




+1 - Thanks for opening this topic Anthony!


Hello friends,

I was wondering if there’s a way to show the hidden labels when looking at the dashboards under “other”? I wanted to see them all for me to filter out only those certain ones per bar. But, I feel like I wouldn’t be able to filter with the “5+ other” labels/topic because I can’t see them for when I need to click the bars.

Is that an option?


Hello @anon8917552,

I recommend upvoting here: Expand charts x-axis limit for dashboards / reporting :slight_smile:


Hi there, curious if any of these ideas proposed by @Anthony_Tamalonis have been addressed? Is it possible to sort x-axis by value or auto-hide items with a zero value yet? Thank you.


The limited Graph/Chart features are really disappointing, and one reason Asana isnt a 5/5 for me. I do allot of reporting, and unfortunatley have to use other software to do what Asana cant :frowning:

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Hi Andrea,
Any update on addressing this feature limitation? It is a significant downside to the reporting tool for my organization and would love to know what Asana may plan to do to address it.

Thank you!

Looking for the same issue. Bumped into your thread. Thanks for creating it. Looking forward for solution.
