Email to task not working


I just joined yesterday and then try to create an “email add to task”, but it is not working, I check the mail server log, the mail sent successfully to Asana, but it just adding the task in the project?

In the mail the recipient is copied from the project ID like

The sender is coming from no-reply@our_email_domain

Is that any other settings needed in order to make it works?


Check out your Profile Settings into the “Email from” tab and make sure your source email is registered to add task by email to this project :wink:

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Oh wait the sender needs to be your Asana account email.

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Thanks, I thought any email addresses will be ok for my organization as long as from the same domain name is the same? it is not for just my profile, we have an app running on our server and when someone fills out the inquiry form then will create a task in the Asana project through email.

Am i missing something?

I’m having a similar problem. Detail here: Creating tasks via email gives error "We couldn't process your email." for most users - #7 by Stephanie_Oberg

Hi folks! If you’re not seeing success with the typical troubleshooting, then it could be a back end issue. In that case, we don’t want to expose any of your private account information, so we recommend that you reach out to our support team at Asana Support - Help Center • Asana. Our support team will be happy to help!

It is working If I send the email from Gmail inbox, it just not working when sending out from the server that hosting on Gcloud and using Gsuite as outgoing mail replay. It works perfectly a week ago and I knew Asana change something about that email part. When looking at the mail log in Gsuite, it shows the email sent to Asana mail server successfully.

Is the TLS need to be enabled?

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@alexis all this time anyone could mask the email of someone and create tasks at his My Tasks and projects? :blush:

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