Edit option for conversations and comments

I agree as well. Editable option is the way to go

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Asana, why are you completely ignoring this overwhelming user feedback???

Edit is a must, itā€™s like learning ABC in elementary. Without an edit feature you basically miss a few letters from the alphabet. Itā€™s an essential feature for a good workflow.

Definitely a minus 3 for me that Asana is completely ignoring this user feedback.


100% agree, this is a really needed feature.

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I want the ability to keep notes not connected to a task. I could use conversations for this if the comments were editable, but I canā€™t currently and have to make a google doc and connect it to the project. Itā€™s usually quick and simple notes so itā€™d be nice to just keep it in asana

How long we need to wait for Editing Feature??? One year more?? :upside_down_face:

Another +1

Badly needing this feature.

All great work.

+321448 How has this not been implemented yet?

Yes, please, add it!!! Any comment from @Asana?

it has been really frustrating not being able to edit comments anywhere (in tasks, in conversations, etc). And it has been the main reason weā€™re keeping most conversations in Slack or other message method instead of using Asana. Documenting progress is difficult as you have to delete and repost the whole thing, which is time consuming and counter productive.

I can see that editing something you post could mean Asana will need to add an ā€˜notified X people about the new editā€™ feature as well because currently all messages are emailed out as well.

BUT PLEASE! Please implement THE EDIT FEATURE!!!

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  • 1 or we go back to JIRa :blush:
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Yes please

Once in a while, thereā€™s a need to correct that bad spelling, or remove something unwanted. Too often Iā€™ve had to just copy and delete the comment, paste and edit then comment again. This will also result in spam notification for collaborators. What prevents the ā€œEditā€ button to exist?? Much like Slack, just add (edited) if needed.


Iā€™ll take a grace period of one minute! Itā€™s like sending an attachment, if I forget it, I know it almost immediately. Same with when I hit comment and within a minute, I want to make an addition or change. My assistant misses the tasks sometimes if Iā€™ve added several things.

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I also totally need editability. Itā€™d save a lot of redundancy and reposting in the way my teamā€™s trying to use conversations. Seems like editability should at least be an option that can be toggled on/off at an organizational level based on the preferences of the administrator.

I also totally donā€™t get the rationale behind omitting edit capabilities for the sake of accountability (ie. preventing users from retconning a conversation). Just provide an edit history (a-la-facebook) and on the very remote chance that it ever matters in a meaningful way to someone, the accountability is then built right into the history, while still allowing team collaborators to be grown-ups, and edit their mistakes without having to resort to janky potentially chrono-sequence-wrecking delete/repost workarounds.

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+1 x 100 (Very much needed)

+1! This feature is a must!

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Yes to this feature!

We are ā€˜newā€™ to using Asana - could not believe that there was no ā€˜editā€™ facility within this what seems so far ā€˜awesomeā€™ applicationā€¦ please can I ask that you seriously consider -Thank you

Agree this would be a nice to have. Annoying that an accidental hit of the enter key requires a full copy/delete old entry/paste work-flow to work around this.

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