Dynamically add tasks to a template

Hi all,

I am working on a flow and have some obstacles so asking:
My goal is to have a template for a project with tasks, the issue I found is:

  1. I can’t add tasks to the template automatically after the template is already created
  2. Even if I add manually, the tasks will not be added to the existing project created from this template.

Any idea if I missed anything and this is achievable or any timelines for development?
Thanks in advance!

@Ziv_Solomon - I’m not quite sure I understand your first point; could you clarify? You can edit templates (including adding tasks) after they have been created, but I’m not sure what you mean by “automatically” adding them.

For your second point, are you saying you want tasks added to a template to be pushed to all existing projects created from that template? If so, this is not currently possible.


So for the second point, that is exactly what I mean, Is this in the road map as for your knowledge?
For the First point, I would like to create a workflow rule that will add a task to a specific template when a specific action triggers the rule, does that clarify?

@Ziv_Solomon - Ah ok thanks for explaining. For the first point, this is possible via bundles (only available for Enterprise accounts). You would create a rule in this bundle, then add it to template (it won’t retroactively add to projects previously created from the template, but you can add them manually). All future projects created from this template will automatically have this rule on them via the bundle.

As for the second point, Asana doesn’t publish a feature roadmap, so I don’t have any insight on that. Personally, I think this would be a be a challenging feature to add/adopt, since it would contradict the way that some people currently use templates. I would suggest that you create a post for that specific request in the Product Feedback channel so others can lend their support.

Thanks so much, I have an Enterprise account, but I think I miss-explained my ask,

I have a template today with 10 tasks.
During the next week, I will work on two more tasks.

What I am trying to achieve is the ability to add those 2 tasks I worked on during the week to the template so the template will eventually have 12 tasks.
And so on with more tasks as time progresses.

I hope this is clearer and sorry for the misunderstanding.

I will ask for the feature in product-feedback, thanks!

@Ziv_Solomon - Ok, I think I am just not understanding your use case where you are working on tasks that eventually end up in templates (vs. editing the template directly). Typically, you would use the template to create a new project, then work on that project. If, while working on it, you realize that you need to add new steps (i.e., tasks) to your process, you would add them to the template for future iterations.

If you are working on these 2 new tasks in a project, perhaps you could experiment with converting that project to a new template?

That is what I do today, Manually creating new templates and replacing them with the old ones, the problem is that this makes me a single failure point instead of automating the process.

I will try to explain the use case better,
The use case is a “Tasks bank” that the project managers can choose from in addition to the project structure itself that is auto-populated in the project when working from a template,
Those tasks as part of the “Tasks bank” are technical content in nature and get increased as time progresses.

Ziv, I struggle with this too – we have a number of “task templates” with all the details of a process (or similarly, I’ve pre-populated projects and project templates with a “tasks bank” ready to use). It works great… until you change a process or develop a new one. Then you have to go into every single instance of that project type, including the project template to roll it out. Painstaking – not to mention the possibility for errors and inconsistency by doing it manually.

Would love to hear any solutions or workarounds!

@Ziv_Solomon - Ah, ok now I am following, thanks for the explanation! That is not currently supported. I did find this request in the forum:

I think that covers what you’re trying to do. Please give it a vote!

In the meantime, what we do is utilize task templates as a “section template” to give us composable blocks within a template. We have a bundle with task templates, where each template represents a “section” (container) containing sub-tasks (tasks). We instantiate the project, then instantiate our desired “sections”. We then drag the subtasks out from within parent tasks to become top-level tasks and delete the “section” container.

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Got it, thanks, The weird thing is that it is also not possible to duplicate a balk of tasks to another project, only one at a time, I can’t use the “add to project” because if you add to a project and create a template from it, every time a project is created from the template the tasks get duplicated in the original project.

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@Ziv_Solomon - if you’re on an enterprise plan and choose to use the “section” (i.e., task) template solution, you can use bundles to replicate across many projects.

Bundles do not work for what I need, unfortunately, thanks anyway.

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