Project Template in Recently Assigned

Is there a way to add a template to a project without all of the tasks automatically going to the Recently Assigned on My tasks?

I also have completed task still here in Recently Assigned :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@Tangy_Brown - are you referring to building a new task template? Or using an existing task template in a project?

As a rule of thumb, any time you add an assignee to a live task, the person will be notified immediately and the task will go immediately to their My Tasks.

If you are building a new task template or project template, you are able to avoid this.
Build task templates inside the customize menu and it will not send those tasks to their assignees My Tasks list until you use the task template and the tasks become actual, active tasks in a project.
Similarly, if you build out a list of tasks while inside the project template builder, that will not cause notifications or assignments to be distributed until you use the project template to generate a new project.

Let me know whether that helps or if I’ve misunderstood your questions.

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Also, @Tangy_Brown - if you do not want to see completed tasks in your My Tasks, click on the Filter button on the top right and click on “Incomplete Tasks” so that it will not show completed tasks.

“Recently Assigned” is just the default catch-all section in your My Tasks when you have your “Group By” setting (at the top right) set to Custom Sections. As I mentioned, using the Incomplete Tasks filter will hide your completed tasks.

Rooting for you!

I built a new template from an existing project. Although I haven’t assigned the task to a person or due date, the entire process from onboarding to offboarding is there is my recently assigned. From your post, I believe my option to break the project phases into multiple templates such as Onboarding, Design Concept, etc. This requires more management but I’m thinking it will eliminate the overwhelming number of tasks assigned and keep the order of operation (when every task is added to recently assigned, different phases of the project are mixed together).

On another related issue, this morning I several task in the wrong section. For example, I have a task scheduled for 9/1/24 sitting in This Week. There are several tasks that have due dates and they are in the Recently Assigned section. These were all entered prior to the midnight update. Thoughts on what I have wrong here?

Attached a screenshot

Thanks Bryan. Yes, I have the completed being filtered now. Any insight on why some items haven’t moved to Today, This Week or Next Week? See screenshot I posted earlier.

@Tangy_Brown - I think you have your “Group By” settings at the top right set to Custom Sections. Those are by default manually populated, not automatic – though you can set rules to automatically move tasks between sections.

If your priority is to automatically group by date, I’d recommend changing your “Group By” settings at the top right to group by due date and that will get you what you are looking for. Also, select to “Hide Empty Groups” using the three-dots to the right of that setting.

YES!! So easy but I was stumped. Thank you!!

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