"Due within the next" Not Working?

“Due within the next 0 days” shows no tasks even though there are 4 tasks due today.
“Due within the next 1 days” shows no tasks even though there is 1 task due tomorrow.
“Due within the next 7 days” shows 2 overdue, 4 for today, 1 for tomorrow, etc. (works well).

Why do I get no results for 0 days and 1 day? What am I missing?

Thank you!

Those searches should be working for you, I just tested them.

It’s perhaps (other than just being a bug for you) where you’re searching? If that’s the only parameter for the search then it should count any and all tasks you can see/have access to. It wouldn’t return searches for projects/teams/tasks that are hidden/private from you.

Searching on my computer in the search box.

What I find weird is that I see the tasks I’m looking for in the Next 7 Days view and they clearly marked as due today/tomorrow, but when I search Next 1 Day, they won’t show up…

That definitely sounds like a bug, perhaps @Alexis can weigh in.

This is indeed a bug and we’re aware of it. Apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks for checking in!

This is still happening to me.

While I am searching with Due within the next ‘1’ Day, it’s showing up all tasks in the past dates + the ones that due ‘tomorrow’.

Can we have any option that allows us to only refine the search to get whatever that happens only on 1 day?
