Due time no longer showing in list view

Hey @lpb

Sure thing, I also just posted it here as well: Due Time in List View - #8 by _Anthony

Showing tasks due time when the task is due today or tomorrow used to not work that way in the project view and it’s something that changed probably in June 2022.

I’ve come to this conclusion because I was in the works of creating new projects and saw that when I put in a due time it didn’t show up in the list view of the project. I went back to a few older projects and ones that I created in March of 2022 showed the due time regardless of how far into the future it was. And if I duplicated that project, whatever setting was in there was retained so the due times would show up.

Any new projects I created did have the rule of only showing times when it was a day ahead. So it seems that there’s something going on in the Asana side where they let it show, make some change, and then for new projects it won’t show.

Here’s some images to show this
With due time way in the future

No due time

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