Due time no longer showing in list view

Hi. Recently Asana stopped displaying the Due Time along with the Due Date in list view. Both date and time used to be displayed in the Due Date column in list view when a task has the details pane open, but suddenly stopped a few days ago. Hope this is understandable…
I relied on this in my work flow as I book tasks every 30 minutes all day and I need to see what time slots have yet to be booked. Now I have to click all tasks one by one and see the due time in the details pane and write the times on a piece of paper :frowning:

Best regards, David

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This is not the case for me, either in My Tasks (below) or a project.

(I did notice that a Milestone with a time won’t show the time.)



Funny I am pretty sure in many cases the due time is not displayed, especially when the due date is far away…


Thank you guys for your replies. It seems that the time is only displayed if the task is due today or tomorrow. I’m pretty sure it was working for me at least a few days before the due date until recently.


Sorry, @david.bragason, I’m pretty sure it’s been this way for a long time, for better or worse!

I agree with Larry, always been this way according to me as well.

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Strangely though, sometimes list view shows due times for tasks due several days from now, or overdue…


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@david.bragason, Can you include the rest of that screenshot? That doesn’t look like a typical list view.



@lpb below are examples of due times in February and March being (1) displayed and (2) not displayed in list view with the detail pane open for a task. What seems to dictate whether or not the time is shown is the width of the browser window. If only the due date column is shown, the time is shown, but if other custom field columns are also displayed due to the wider window, the due time disappears!

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Great, that explains it; thanks.

The responsive view when narrow is to eliminate all columns and right justify assignee and, helpfully, date with time!

Thanks again,


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Another, related, finding:

Time will appear in projects list view (but not My Tasks list view) when you sort by Due date.


I’m having the same issue. I do have projects that have additional columns that show the due date and time but other projects that are set up the same but won’t show that.

Another thing, If I create a new project the due time won’t appear, but if I copy an older project where the due time does show, that due time will show. So I’m guessing that this has to be related to something else in Asana and not how many columns are listed.

Welcome, @Russ_Ng,

If you believe you have an issue (or two) not covered by the posts in this thread and are not working as should be expected, please file one (or two) bugs with screenshots at Report a Bug .



Hey @lpb

Sure thing, I also just posted it here as well: Due Time in List View - #8 by _Anthony

Showing tasks due time when the task is due today or tomorrow used to not work that way in the project view and it’s something that changed probably in June 2022.

I’ve come to this conclusion because I was in the works of creating new projects and saw that when I put in a due time it didn’t show up in the list view of the project. I went back to a few older projects and ones that I created in March of 2022 showed the due time regardless of how far into the future it was. And if I duplicated that project, whatever setting was in there was retained so the due times would show up.

Any new projects I created did have the rule of only showing times when it was a day ahead. So it seems that there’s something going on in the Asana side where they let it show, make some change, and then for new projects it won’t show.

Here’s some images to show this
With due time way in the future

No due time

Report a Bug .


If anyone is still struggling with this, click on “HIDE” in the project header and toggle on “Due Date” See attached. Anything toggled on will show as a category in list view. Toggled off will not show

Welcome, @Lee_Harrill,

None of the posts in this thread have been hiding the Due date column so this is not a solution to the discussion here. The issue is what is shown in the Due date cells.



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