Everyone works differently… our workflow embraces creating/linking emails to tasks.
Emailing tasks into Asana is clunky and not well done - formatting is often off (lack of HTML) and it has the tendency to create a very cluttered work space.
Drop&Drag subscription is totally worth it. (Asana users on Macs have long had the ability to do this).
I just downloaded the trial and purchased after 2 minutes of using it.
Good luck!
As Jamie mentioned, the forwarding of an email to create a task was also an issue for me (Lack of formatting consistency and clogging up the work space). The biggest issue however was not being able to “reply” to the email without having to go back into Outlook and find the original email.
I am not sure if this is newer functionality, or if it is because my desktop Outlook is from Office 365, but I am now able to drag and drop an email directly into a task. It saves it as a .msg file (so no cluttered workspace). When I open it up it is the actual email, with all the correct formatting and I can reply, forward, etc. This may not help Taylor (because I believe you did not want it as a attached file) but hopefully some other people. And it is free.
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I forgot to mention…this solution (as far as I can tell) does not work for Asana mobile for iOS as the attachments do not open on my phone. Does anyone know if the Drag&Drop subscription works for iOS?
the funny thing is Asana already has this feature… But it only works about 60% of the time. For some reason some task stop allow me to drag an email directly from Outlook. If I knew what the reason was I would better work around it but when that happens I have to save to PC then upload so it is attached to the task and not to create as a new task. why does it work sometimes but not other times? I took a screen grab but not sure if it will post
the funny thing is Asana already has this feature… But it only works about 60% of the time. For some reason some task stop allow me to drag an email directly from Outlook. If I knew what the reason was I would better work around it but when that happens I have to save to PC then upload so it is attached to the task and not to create as a new task. why does it work sometimes but not other times? I took a screen grab but not sure if it will post
@Caisha - any insight would be welcomed