Disable Asana marketing shown upon form submission

Is Asana planning to solve this or should we just move to other softwares that are not trying to poach their user’s customers?

I’ve “unsolved” it. I wanted it to be known that the solution for our team was to use Gravity forms since Asana dropped the ball on this one. Gravity has been working great for us btw. No complaints at all.

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I’ve added a form to a website as a way to inject leads into my system. This works perfectly, however it has a lot of asana branding which I’d love to remove because this is external potential clients submitting, but I really need to get rid of the ‘try forms for free’ and ‘log in to asana’ after the form is submitted. This information is just confusing for would-be clients.

I can’t find any configuration in the forms setup to adjust this.


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a year and a half and 73 votes and no progress? I keep running into things I can’t live with on Asana. Having Asana market directly to my customers is a big problem, I had to pull the form down immediately. I’m a paid customer, not free, I should be able to make a form without the marketing. I shouldn’t have to bounce this off another piece of software.