Direct Messaging

Add the ability to easily message people directly (and add GIFs as a bonus round), and I’ll just about have no reason whatsoever to use Slack. If you can do this, it will knock a few apps out of our ecosystem and perhaps make Asana the tool for internal communication #DeathToEmail #DeathToSlack #DeathToMicrosoftTeams


An option to directly message an individual or individuals within Asana. Conversations is great, but it notifies everyone on the project.

Hi @Sade_Wilson

There’s an existing thread here, if you want to add your vote:

@Natalia/@Marie: just flagging for merging.


All done @Mark_Hudson, thanks for flagging it!


Awesome, thank you!

I would really love a more mature messaging solution in asana. With direct messaging, channels and threads.

For now, in our studio we still use WhatsApp for direct internal communication and E-Mail for external communication. I’m half happy with that since WhatsApp doesn’t support channels nor threads and E-Mail is… well, E-Mail. Slack would be an option for our communication with clients but when we work with a client on a project where we invite him/her as a guest user to the asana project it would be nice to also be able to (direct) chat with him in asana without the need of having to introduce our client to a second tool just for messaging.


It would be amazing to be able to Direct Message (or even VOIP chat) people in my organization through this app. Where I work we get really spotty cell reception but our network is very strong. It’d be great to call someone or message someone through the computer, as picking up the cell phone doesn’t always work.

I recommend slack for this personally =)

My staff consistently request that we find a single platform for task management and inter office communication. We LOVE Asana and currently use the premium level service to keep our keep collaboratively moving in the same direction. However, we also feel chained to Slack for the direct messaging capability. This becomes a blurry line for our team when they’re not sure whether to use team or project conversations to just connect with a single person unrelated to a task or project.

This would be great, but just be careful not to make it instant messaging like Slack.

Apps like Slack and Teams destroy one’s flow. I can spend the entire day sending Slack messages without getting anything done. When I really need to get something done, I prefer to log out off Slack and only focus on asana.

But as a manager, I also need to be available for questions from my team. My answers don’t need to be instant, though. Best is to work off the questions in batches. So, a messaging function in asana would be great, as long as it’s not adding the hell of instantaneity to the product.

I voted for this #productfeedback because I do see value in being able to DM within Asana, if able to reference various items via @mention. Sometimes there is a need to obtain further clarity on the work being done or the goal to achieve. I wouldn’t necessarily classify this as “throwaway communication” which is what I prefer to use Slack/Teams for.

Someone defined a communication stack this way recently and I love it. Wish I recall where to give the credit.

  • Teams - throwaway communication
  • Asana - actionable communication
  • Outlook - external communication / siloed internal communication

A great feature would be real-time messaging in tasks and conversations. Instead of posting a comment, then someone commenting back and getting a notification in the inbox that you have to archive even though you’re in the task.

Real-time messaging and notifications are really an essential feature.

According to this article, in 2017 1.82 billion people used messaging apps, this amount is estimated to be 2.48 billion by 2021.
Real-time messages enable smooth communication between co-workers. In combination with real-time (push) notifications, they are easy to read and to respond, without any delays.
Emailing your team requires up to 10 additional minutes, which is significant.

So, I believe, this is a must, which should be implemented.

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Hi guys,

FYI there is already a thread on this topic, please upvote that one:

cc: @Marie @Emily_Roman

Cheers @Phil_Seeman, I’ve gone ahead merged them!

There is a direct message function now so this hould be set as “solved”, right?


@Finn_Stenberg is correct, this feature is now integrated into Asana, ping @Rebecca_McGrath


Thanks for flagging this, @Finn_Stenberg - there is indeed a direct function in Asana now :tada:

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