Did the Later View get changed?

Hi Okay Not that I use my Later section of My Task very often but after reading all of the GTD and My Task list post on the community page. Some inspiration got hold of me and am looking at trying to organise my task list.
Now I thought Later used to just have a list of task in some random order. Now it seems to be by project…

Not sure if I like it? What do other think?

Hehe way to go on the inspiration to organize your task list! When we get that inspiration, we have to go with it. :tongue: I have to admit I was a bit thrown by this later view, too. But I quickly found that it helps me find “later” tasks much more easily.

Personally, I’m a real big fan of the MyTask sections (Today, Upcoming, Later) and use them a lot. I really like how tasks from Later move into Upcoming and Today as they fall due. However, I don’t really find myself diving into the later section all that often. If I ever need to find anything, I’ll just use the search bar as this tends to be quicker than expanding the Later section then trying to find the right project/task.