My Task Priority Sections Missing?


By default the My Tasks section should be divided into 4 Priority Sections (new tasks, today, upcoming and later). Mine only shows the “New Tasks” section. Could anyone tell me how to see the other sections?

Here is a link to a post where you may find the answer:

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This could be because you don’t have anything in Today, Upcoming or Later. Try to do “Tab + Y” on one task and the section will appear :slight_smile:

Bastien - Asana Certified Pro
Delegate tasks to a virtual assistant :computer:

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@Bastien_Siebman, @Julien_RENAUD, thank you very much for your tips. I did have new tasks etc but my setting view was on “none.” The Tab+ shortcuts are also very useful.


Hi @Elodie_Jegu and welcome to the Forum :tada: Is your issue resolved? If not, I’d also recommend to have a look at this solution.

Hope this helps; keep us posted!

Hi all, jumping into this thread as I had the same issue and the filter fix of none super helped me! Thank you!

Just wondering, one of my projects is also coming up as a section header in the MyTasks area. Why is this and how can I remove it?

It appears where you’re in None view? Is it linked to your project?
If it appears in None view, then maybe you created a section in the MyTasks view, this is possible to do so to add another level in the MyTasks. To remove it you can delete it.