Detailed Timeline by Hours/Minuets as opposed to Days/Weeks/Months


I am an event manager and have been a devout Asana user for years! Love the product and I recommend it all the time. One of my favorite features is the timeline feature which makes managing multiple complex timelines, deadlines, and goals a cinch!

One feature that would be a huge game changer for my team and the events industry would be to be able to have a deatiled visual timeline of processes by the minute/hour as opposed to by the day. For all of our events we run by a ROS *(Run Of Show) document that usually lives in a spreadsheet and is an outline of EVERYTHING that is happening & needs to happen during a live event, and when. It usually reads out like- Start/End time - Task/Item - Who - Details i.e. 8AM -10AM - truck delivery - John Smith - make sure load in is done by 10 AM and items are dropped in Zone A. If there were some way to use the timeine feature as a Run of Show, breaking out every ROS item into a timeline task/milestone it would be HUGE.

Would love to find out if there is some way to do something like that and if it might be possible to add to the roadmap.

Huge Fan! Thanks for such a great product!

-Chris Hartnett

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