Description in Asana to Field


I am hoping someone can help me with this. I know in the forms, you can tie questions’ responses to specific fields that you have in your project. For the ones that isn’t tied to a specific field, what happen with that information? I know it would appear in description if you have that on, but is there a way to extract that input? Or make those answers appear?

I had assumed it would automatically create a new field to house the response but I’m not sure how obtain that.

Thank you.

@Karolyn_Dee - If you don’t connect the question to an existing field, it will not automatically create a new field for you. I believe all form answers not connected to fields will be copied into the task description (as you note), so your information won’t be lost, but you also won’t be able to translate this to a field easily (you could manually do this or create a program to parse the description, but that’s not easy).

In general, if you want data to map to fields, you should set those fields up and do that before you start logging responses.