"Delay the rule" Option when making rules

I would find it helpful if there were an option for rule triggers to be delayed by say 10-30 seconds.

There are times where I accidentally do something that will trigger a rule and I don’t want that to happen.

For example, marking a task complete by accident when trying to drag it to a new due date on Timeline or Calendar mode is my top culprit. I have a LOT of projects where there’s a rule that removes a task from a project when it’s marked complete.

So, the real problem here is my butter fingers, but I think many of us would find it helpful if we had an option to delay a rule from executing unless the trigger remains intact for say 10-30 seconds.

Having that wonderful little popup that says “Asana is running rule XYZ” is fantastic, it could give us a brief countdown timer and an “Undo trigger” button as a possibility.

Thank you for considering this!

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