A rule trigger based on time/duration, but not due date

For teams that use board view to manage workflow: I’d like to be able to set a duration (say 2 days) and if a card sits in a board column for longer than 2 days, then that triggers a rule.

One specific use case is a customer service team where incoming cards need to be actioned in X amount of time.


Hi @Justine_D, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback :slight_smile:

This would definitely be a cool feature! Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

Agreed! It would be helpful that after a duration of time passes with a task in a certain section I can implement a rule that moves it to another based on number of days set.

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Hey folks! Looking for some help building out some time-based workflows. We use Asana to manage our content and I’d love to find a way to set up a workflow where if a task has been in X state for Y days it’s automatically moved to a new subsection (e.g. from “in progress” to “stalled”).

Is this possible in Asana workflows (or Flowsana, for folks who use them)?


Hello @alliebeazell great idea.
I went ahead and merged your post into an existing feedback request thread.
Don‘t forget to upvote :slight_smile:


I wonder if it is possible to create a rule to move tasks and subtasks to another project after a certain amount of time?

Basically in my project, we have a rule to move tasks from section 1 to section 2 once tasks are marked complete, but I would like to know if there would be a solution to move these completed tasks from section 2 to another project after, say, 3 weeks standing in this section 2?

So far it did not look feasible to me as the only way to move a task to another project after X amount of time was based on the fact a task was over due (hence, not complete).

Hope that makes sense and more importantly, I hope someone has a solution for me, or an idea :slight_smile:



Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Fabrice_Deschamps!

I have moved your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don’t forget to upvote.

Thx a lot Andrea!
Forgive my ignorance: what does mean “upvote” ?

Oh sorry that means to click on “Vote” at the top of this thread

Has this been implemented? I want a better way to remind myself that items have been sitting in the ‘to do’ basket for more than two weeks. They don’t need deadlines or fixed dates, but I’d like a sense of awareness of how long they’ve been neglected for.

I’d also like to see this happen

Hi there!

Does Asana have a time-based trigger?

E.g. a card has been processed through a project and, at some point, moved to the final stage, “Completed”. Could I add an automation saying that if a task has been “Completed” for 60 days, it will be moved to another project?

Welcome, @Gøran_Sæland,

I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.



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Yes please! trigger based on Time in column would be awesome.

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As an additional datapoint- I would really like something like this!

For example, I’d like to create a trigger “When task has been Completed for 24 hours, move to X section in My Tasks.”

I often need to quickly reference something I completed earlier in the day, but switching to filtering for Completed Tasks is a lot to load. With a time delay trigger like this, I could easily see “these are the things I completed today” and after it’s been 24 hours it can move to a different section that I keep collapsed. Right now, I’m doing this manually (when I remember because it’s being slow) so it’s a lot to sort through.

Thanks for your consideration!


I thought this was already a feature and a huge factor of starting to use Asana. Now I realise the timers are only related to due dates. Very disappointing as this would help our team and company immensely.

Following up here as I am inquiring about the time-based rule as well. Looking to utilize this rule in a customer service world where we have to conduct outreaches based off of customer feedback and would like to create a rubric that will hold my team accountable for initial outreaches and follow ups. Thank you!


A post was split to a new topic: Rule trigger for when start timer

Has the time based rules not been implemented as yet? This has been ongoing since 2021 and Asana still failing to make it happen.

We need to run a rule for when a task has been in one column for X amount of time or days and also have another rule which is time based because when you create a task, Asana auto runs the rules immediately with complete info, so some form of delay or even say run rules at a certain time would help.


2024 and still no update? Help us out Asana!

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