Custom "People" Fields Not Populating

It used to be that you could add a Custom Field, make the type “People,” and then it would populate very similarly to the “Assignee” field, but now if I create a “People” field and click it, I can’t add team members – it just highlights the field in Blue and no options show up.

What’s going on?

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@Kelsey_Christensen1 - welcome to the forum! Are you able to click the left ~1/4 of the highlighted box? My team is also having an issue with one of our people column where the clickable area of the field is tiny now. Not totally sure that’s what’s happening in your case, though.

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Yes, clicking the left quarter of the box fixed it! Thank you.

I ran into this too in a client’s environment today. I didn’t know about clicking in a certain place so not sure if that would have helped. After a few clicks, I got a Reload required dialog!

@Forum-team, please consider escalating this since at least three of us have run into it in the last day.




I too am having the same issue. has anyone had any resolution?

I am also facing the same issue.

@Tarsh_DeBondi , @vrchauhan1522 welcome both to the forum :wave:

I also noticed this in a client’s space the other day.

@Forum-team , as @lpb already noted above, this appears to be a bug, perhaps not critical but still, a bit annoying. Can you please escalate to the product team?

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Hi @lpb @Richard_Sather

Thank you for sharing! We will investigate and escalate if necessary.

I am marking this comment as solution for visibility.



@Tarsh_DeBondi and @vrchauhan1522 - are you able to click the far left of the field? It seems like the clickable area is now the width of one little avatar (so about 1/4 the total box).

UPDATE: Ok, well that solution no longer works for me. I can click people fields in list if there is already someone populated but not if it’s empty. I can still edit empty values by opening the task pane.


My organization is also experiencing this bug.

Temporary work around for us is to click into the task and add the field there using the method others described where you can only click on the left-most side of the box for it to work.

Same here, @Stephen_Li . It’s almost impossible to input into People fields!

My team is running into an issue where we cannot enter information into certain custom fields that we were previously able to.

Other fields, especially drop-downs, are working, though.

For what it’s worth, though multiple people are running into this issue, the ability to change the fields seems to come and go. Sometimes I’m able to hover my mouse over the field on the far left and it goes from an arrow to a pointing finger and I’m able to add information.

We’ve refreshed our screens and cleared caches and it has not fixed the issue; a member of the team is using the app and running into the same problem.

Has anyone encountered this?

Our team is experiencing the same issue. It is seen in the custom People field. The glitch comes and goes for the last couple of weeks.

@Wendy_Wason , @Ludwika_Mazur , I’ve merged your thread into this existing thread, posted last week.

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Hi, the issue is now resolved. Our team can now use the mouse to click the “People” field, and we are able to add members from the popup.

Thanks to everyone involved in raising and resolving this!

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We are facing the same issue. The left click only works when it is already populated, but when it is blank, there is no way to populate unless you go inside the task itself and use the fields within the task. This needs to be escalated!

Yes, still an issue for me, even after refreshing browser (or restarting desktop app). I cannot set a value of a People field in the List view, but I can only within the task details pane. :thinking:

Same behaviour at my organization, I can only edit via the task details pane when it’s empty.
Once it’s been populated with a value, I can edit it normally in the list view.

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I’m experiencing the same thing! It seems like this started happening about 1 week ago - before then, everything was operating normally for me.

Our team is also experiencing this issue. If we click into the task/details pane the People field works, but not in list view.