"People" custom field vs Single Select; what features are we missing by using the wrong one?

A long time ago we created a Field called “Lead Person” and just added team member names to the list who might be the lead person on any given task. They might be a very different person from the task Assignee.

That’s been fine.

I’ve noticed an option now that you can just use the “People” type field and it will automatically give you the option of setting anyone in your organization, so I could recreate this “Lead Person” field to this, and we’d never need to add/remove names to that list manually.

However, I’ll have to go and reset that field for lots of tasks.

So before I bother doing that, is there a good reason (other than the one I just said above) that I should?

Are there features/advantages to the “People” type of field that I might be overlooking?

Hi @Matt5 , most notably the People field is not available in Forms (likely for privacy reasons if a form would be shared to outside users).

As a workaround you would create/use a single-select field, just like your existing one and maintain it by adding/removing names.

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