Custom Fields to specific Tasks

You are able to add custom field to all tasks in a project, however it would be great to be able to allocate a custom field to a specific task in a project.

We have tasks where we don’t want the custom field to show up on all tasks only a certain task in the project.


Is there any update to this?


Our team also needs this! Woud be amazing! @Marie does this already exist and maybe we can’t find it? :blush:

Hello @Maria_Teixeira :wave:

No this doesn’t exist, but tags could be helpful in this case!


Until/if this becomes available, you can workaround by one time creating a project with the custom field added to it and multi-home (add to project) any individual task in any other project to allow the task to acquire that additional custom field.

If on a Business or Enterprise plan, you could automate the multi-homing with a rule if helpful.

Hope that helps,


Agreed. I’m used to work management systems where you can have a bit more control over where the fields show up and who can fill them in. With how Asana is designed, the fields take up quite a bit of real-estate on the task view page and this leads to a lot of information overload for the user.

I would love the ability to either remove some fields from certain tasks or to create custom forms that could added to tasks or be set for task templates but not applied to the entire project.

Task reporting based on project fields could also help reduce the need for so many custom fields.

I need this too. We do not all fields in all tasks.