in our projects we use dropdowns to define the story points, but in a fixed Fibonacci scheme. But since we use a dropdown Asana does not detect the contained numeric values.
It would be cool if Asana could detect that all dropdown values are numeric and if so also use dropdown fields as numeric fields.
Best regards
This option is currently available for Numeric fields but I understand you currently use drop-down field. We don’t have immediate plans to launch this option but I’ll let you know if you have any plans in the future. thank your sharing your feedback with us 
Hi @Bennet_Jeutter
Can I ask why just using a number field and being clear in the description that only valid Fibonacci numbers doesn’t work for you?
Having the dropdown is much faster and ensures that actual Fibonacci numbers are used and not any number.
In case a 3rd party plugin is an option, the Screenful Dashboards for Asana allows you to map any of your custom field to a number and use that in e.g. tracking velocity or creating sprint burndown charts.
We have exactly the same use case, yet we use a number field so Asana calculates the totals automatically.
Our problem is that non-fibonacci numbers are misused in tasks. because it is possible I guess. It would be great if there was validation or a list of numeric options.
My organization shares the same need, 2 years later.
I understand this can be accomplished w/ a numeric field, but validation is important - especially when working at scale.
Years and years later, still scratching my head why this hasn’t been done.
First I have the same issue in that for capacity planning we want to use our own system (We use 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 sizing). This CANNOT be an open field because that would allow for errors and misuse to happen. This is why we need to lock the choices into a drop down field that can then be used with the Workload - Capacity Planning.
Second, we also want to do similar math functionality utilizing the Formula fields, but want to control what inputs happen for these. So for one example we a percentage complete but have the choices locked to 0, 25, 50, 75, 100. This helps us keep things clean and makes it FAR easier on the staff to be able to choose from a list vs needing to utilize cognitive load to fill these in.
I would also love to see this taken a step further where you use the pre-existing single select with the option to add a numeric column. This way you can also write a description next to each choice while still being able to use it in calculations. So in my example above we could have the items in the drop down labeled Small - 2, Medium - 4, Large - 6, XL - 8, XXL - 12 to help the team understand the choices better.
My company would also VERY MUCH enjoy this feature.
I am pursuing the 1st option listed above–a (long) series of rules to translate drop-down values to a concealed “numFieldName” numeric field to be used in calculations.
Solving the “Custom Fields: Detect Dropdown Values as Numeric Values in Calculations” Challenge
Hi everyone,
I have voted for this feature myself, but I also want to share a workaround I built that has been working great for our team. While Asana doesn’t natively treat dropdown values as numbers (yet), you can translate those values into a numeric custom field using this rule action.
Here’s the logic behind it:
- The Problem:
Dropdown fields (like Fibonacci sequences for Story Points) are great for consistency and user-friendliness but can’t be used in calculations or advanced automation. Teams need a numeric representation of these dropdown values for velocity tracking, reporting, or risk alerts.
- The Workaround:
By creating rules, you can map each dropdown value to its numeric equivalent in a separate field. This allows Asana to use the numeric field for calculations or other automations.
- How It Works (See Screenshot):
- Create a dropdown custom field for your values (e.g., Fibonacci: 1, 2, 3, 5, etc.).
- Add a numeric custom field (e.g., “SP (Numeric)”).
- Use rules to assign a specific number to the numeric field whenever a dropdown value is selected.
- Example: If “3” is selected in the dropdown, set SP (Numeric) to 3.
- Why It’s Useful:
- You can trigger risk warnings for large estimates (e.g., comments for items >13 SP).
- Automatically remove oversized tickets from sprint boards (e.g., items >20 SP) so they go back to the backlog for further refinement and splitting.
- Use the numeric values for velocity calculations, dashboards, or burndown charts.
Here’s an example of how we’ve implemented this:
- Next-Level Automation:
If your team uses both DEV and DSGN Story Points, you can replicate the same logic for both fields and even create combined totals (e.g., “Total Story Points”) for better visibility.
This workaround does require a bit of initial setup, but it’s saved us so much time and helped us flag oversized tickets before they become a problem.
Let me know if you have questions or want further details!