@Katie_Reynolds, @Jason_Woods, @Mark_Hudson, Here’s another approach to how to document custom fields:
For each logical grouping that makes sense to you of custom fields in use at your company, add one project with one single task for each, like:
- Project: Custom Fields: Project Management; Task: Project Management Custom Fields
- Project: Custom Fields: Inventory Metadata; Task: Inventory Metadata Custom Fields
In each project, add the set of corresponding custom fields. In each task, value each custom field to the most commonly used defaults and use the subsections/subtasks to document the definition and usage, like:
The actual legal values for dropdowns are self-documenting in this solution, so you may be able to avoid duplicating them in documentation if obvious. This should either save time or keep them in better sync, or both. If you need extra explanations for each value, just add additional subtasks like:
- Priority:
How important the project is:
High: Utmost importance
Medium: Use this typically
Low: Try to use this on occasion!
This overall solution includes the approach of grouping sets of related custom fields together to provide a meaningful extra level of hierarchy. If that’s not helpful, then in each of the projects, use one task for each individual custom field instead of one task for each set of custom fields as shown above. (You can also decide to do this all in a single project, but only if you’ll never have more than 20 different custom fields, otherwise you’ll have to have multiple projects, but you can still combine them later as shown below.)
Now, in your Conventions & Etiquette project (or other location), multi-home every task you’ve defined in the multiple projects above under a single Custom Fields: section, like:
- Custom Fields:
Project Management Custom Fields
Inventory Metadata Custom Fields
If you used the one-custom-field-per task alternate approach, then group however you want here using one or more sections like:
It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s really just that it’s hard to describe and quicker to implement! I think this provides a lot of flexibility and ease of maintenance. Thoughts?