I have a premium acct and I need to provide a report to our executive team that lists my current projects and upcoming tasks with dates. (Single organization, single workspace) Our executive team members are not Asana users (except for my manager) so it needs to be in a format other than within Asana- preferably in Google Sheets.
I am aware of the ability to manually export my tasks to a CSV file but I am hoping for some type of automated publishing ability that I could set up and either have Asana refresh a Google Sheet file or that I could run a new report of existing parameters. I would also want the ability to determine if sub tasks are included or not. (targeting executives as strictly informational vs an agency with a task list to complete)
In addition, I’ve helped numerous clients with these kinds of status/update needs. There are at least four alternative solutions (only one uses Asana2Go) depending on needs, plan, etc., and there are ways to refresh Google sheets automatically. See this post, but I’m afraid I do this with an hour of consulting, not free in the Forum. But Asana2Go is free to most individuals and organizations so that’s an option.