Asana is great transition from Google Sheets, but we should have the ability to export projects and tasks easily. While there is a nice report for project status updates, if we want to share a list or data with leaders, it’s really hard to extract that information.
The current export option offer a dynamic link to pastes into Sheets, but you can’t edit the sheet, delete columns, or clean up the information. We should be able to easily export static project information into sheets, especially since we’re using Asana as an information hub.
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Hi @Michelle_McFarlane1, welcome to the Asana Community Forum 
Could you provide some more information on what exactly you would like to see in a CSV export update? This way other users wishing to add their vote to your request will know exactly what to vote for and our Product team have a clearer understanding of your wishes.
Also, have you tried out Asana2Go? This might help you meet your needs. Adding @lpb, the creator, for some assistance 
I have a concern regarding exporting arrival details to Excel in our projects. We need to export information such as names, arrival dates, times, and room numbers. However, we have not been able to locate the export option in our projects. As a result, we are forced to copy and paste each individual field which is very time-consuming.
It would be helpful if there was an easy button to export this information to CSV, Word, or Excel so that team members can easily move and edit the information according to their operational needs. This feature is particularly important in housekeeping and maintenance departments where not all team members have tablets or computers and daily worksheets need to be created. I would appreciate any assistance with this issue.
Hi @Clinton_du_Toit welcome to the forum. Next to the title of your project you should be able to drop down and click on export and choose CSV
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