Export All Reporting Charts At Once

One area that my company likes to utilize is the reporting section of Asana. Each week, my manager has me send an update with all the project statuses and the correlating charts. It does become tedious to download the charts individually and then upload them individually to my reporting project.

An option to download all reporting charts at once would be a great, simplistic, but also an essential add!

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Hi @Mike_Tammaro, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

Hi @Mike_Tammaro, while waiting for Asana’s Product team to implement this, you can use an add-on such as Analytics & Reports by Screenful . You can use it to create custom charts with your Asana data and compile them into Reports. The reports can then be shared with anyone in your organization via email or Slack as a PDF on a custom schedule. Here’s what it looks like:

You can configure everything once, and your manager will start receiving weekly project status reports that are automatically generated with the most up-to-date data.

You can learn more about this add-on, or start a free trial to give it a try with your own data.


I was just about to start a new thread on this exact topic - would be super useful if there was a way to just export the reporting dashboard as a report in one go - or even have a way of exporting the reporting dashboard into a customized PDF report.

Will check out the add on suggested, however my company is pretty locked down when it comes to 3Ps.


Agreed. I like how there is a google sheets integration for Portfolios. But why is there not this option for Reporting? I would love it to port over to google sheets and automatically update. Also would love to see specific task details and custom fields in google sheets.


It is critical for Asana to make the mark when it comes to key features for resourcing and reporting. Trying to manage a team using this product is a let-down - the product seems more taken with bouncy emoji animal reactions than tactical features to make our work lives easier - help! These product enhancements need to be taken seriously.