Creating a Report to show dependencies

Hi there!

I’m looking to build a customized report to show dependencies and was wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks. Here’s some context:

I’m wanting to build this report for our Events team. A lot of the tasks that they work on are very much dependent on our president making vital decisions. Sometimes, those decisions don’t happen by the deadline we’ve put together. Our goal is to create a report to show our president, here are the tasks or here’s how many tasks are waiting on your approval and now because we’re waiting, XYZ tasks are now overdue. We really want to show that domino effect and I was hoping there was a report I could build to show that, specifically the dependencies.

Thank you!

Hi @Bekah_Davis,

In a project, you now have the possibility to show the dependencies as a field in the List view in Asana.

Just go to Customize and set the field to show, you could then export this to a CSV and build any report using Excel.

Does this help?


Thank you for this! Just tried it, it is an option to consider!

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Good Morning,

Having the option to view dependencies in the list view for a project would be very helpful, but I am not seeing it as an option. Is this a default field or was it a custom field you created? I apologize for not being able to upload an image of the fields I have available. Our networking team has everything locked down.

Please disregard my last comment. I was able to find how to toggle on dependencies.

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