Created Duplicates of Project, deleted the projects, and have duplicates everywhere now. HELP

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:

I duplicated a project with more than a 100 tasks 5x. Then I deleted the duplicates and decided to create autonomous new blank projects.

Sadly there are duplicates of the tasks in other projects. And some tasks that are private to me and have no home project anymore. It’s super weird.

Steps to reproduce:

Create a project board with some tasks. Have some of the tasks also be part of other project. Duplicate the first mentioned project board. Delete the dupe project board. There will be duplicates on the other projects for the tasks that you did delete. (If the same happens as it did to me)

Browser version:

Google Chrome Version 106.0.5249.119 (Official Build) (arm64)

Upload screenshots below:

I could only upload one screenshot, so I decided to create a complete google doc:

please take a look and get me an explanation for my team. Thank you :slight_smile:

When you delete a project, any multi-homed tasks is not deleted, and any assigned task is not deleted but stays assigned to you. That’s probably what’s happening isn’t it?

This is expected behaviour.

How can I delete these? They are everywhere now …

Thank you for the fast answer

I believe there is no way to “restore” this link… Maybe contact support?

Welcome, @Maria_Magdalena,

Sorry for what happened, but it’s not a bug (as @Bastien_Siebman mentioned).

Use Advanced Search (assuming you’re on a paid plan) to locate all the tasks you want to delete and delete the using multi-select batch delete of up to 50 at a time.

Sometimes the additional filters in Advanced Search are helpful here, like Modification date, to help narrow the results to the ones in question:

Just be careful not to delete tasks that were not part of the accident! But if you do, there’s a Deleted Tasks search parameter there too, and the option to Undelete.

All the above can be done yourself, without needing to contact Asana Support.


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