Convert to Subtask bug


when trying to convert a task to a sub-task of another task, this leads to the situation, that a new sub-task is created under the assigned task, which however seems to be a duplicate. Meaning in the list view the task remains visible as a main task and in addition becomes a sub-task of the other task. However, when now deleting one of these two tasks, the others gets deleted as well.

Best Regards


I believe what you’re seeing is because the subtask is a member of the project, as well as being a subtask of a parent task (that is likely a member of the project too)

Open the subtask in the task detail pane. I think you’ll see the project shown there beside the “Project” label. Hover the project name and click the “x” to remove the association. The subtask will remain a subtask but no longer be seeing the project’s task list.




I just tested this a bit. What I find is an inconsistency in behavior:

  • If I convert a task to a subtask via dragging and dropping, as documented in the Asana Guide, then it removes the task’s association to the project when it becomes a subtask.
  • However, if I convert it using the Convert to > Subtask option on the 3-dots menu in the task’s detail pane, then it leaves the association to the project after it’s converted to a subtask.

Yes, in the latter case one can then go in and remove the project association if desired, but IMO it doesn’t seem like it should be differing behavior between these two cases.

I’m checking to see if this might be a recent behavior change and/or a bug.

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