Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: I have an advanced search with Completion set to “Incomplete”. The search results include tasks that have been marked “Complete”.
Steps to reproduce:
Advanced Search
Assigned To = me
Attachments = Any
Completion = Incomplete
Due Date = Within the last + 12 + Months
Browser version:
Google Chrome Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I also noticed tasks with no due date were included in the results. I know the advanced search functionality was working earlier this morning. Something within the last few hours appears to have triggered this behavior.
Hi Dan - Using your exact Advanced Search settings, I replicate the issue of the search returning wrong results. I have 2 Completed Tasks - both of which were due in April, and they routinely are returned in a Search for Incomplete Tasks only.
When I open up the search for Tasks assigned to anyone, I notice at least 5 other users who also have Completed Tasks that show up in the Incomplete Tasks Only search. The ones I checked were all completed in from April 12-19, 2021 (based on the “Completed At” column in the CSV export), so perhaps there was some bug resident during that timeframe that caused Tasks completed then to not fully appear completed with Asana’s code base. I found 14 Tasks reported wrongly in a CSV export of 480 rows.
In fact, it goes farther than just whether Task is Complete or Incomplete. I find that my Incomplete Tasks with due dates in June 2021 are returned whether I search for Due Date “Within Last 12 Months” or “Within Next 12 Months”. Should be just one or the other. Etc. etc. It’s pretty easy to find anomalous search results using Advanced Search.
Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: Advanced searches including Custom Fields return no results. Search keeps attempting to run until I manually stop it.
Steps to reproduce: Using my saved advanced searches or creating new advanced searches. Example: Search for Incomplete Tasks due today + a Custom Field
Browser version: Occurring on Safari, Chrome and Mac Desktop App.
Hi @Steve_Hall, thanks for your report! This is a known issue and our team is working on a fix for this. I’ve gone ahead ad merged your post with the main thread to centralize reports. We will send an update as soon as the issue is solved.
Noting here that I’m experiencing this problem in reporting as well. I have charts set up to show me the overdue tasks in my projects and the charts are pulling in completed tasks from April - considering them overdue.
Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
Reports showing complete tasks in incomplete filter charts. For example see screenshot 1 attached below which shows that incomplete filter is selected to see Ahsan’s incomplete task count but if we see in detail in screenshot 2 then we can see that it is showing the wrong numbers as it is showing completed tasks as well in incomplete one’s
Steps to reproduce:
Tried to make charts again but same thing happening
Browser version:
Goggle Chrome Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Hi @Rebecca_McGrath Can you please confirm that the dev team is working on at least 2 bugs relative to Advanced Search?
Bug #1 - Inclusion of Completed Tasks (especially from April 2021) in Reports of Incomplete Tasks
Bug #2 - Advanced searches including Custom Fields run endlessly & return no results. UPDATE: This was failing yesterday but is working fine for me today. @Steve_Hall You might want to see if it is working for you today.