A user in my team asked me why sometimes his completed tasks disappear and sometimes not. I asked him to check his display/view settings. Then I double checked my own view settings and went to find the task, but although I AM seeing other completed tasks that are associated with this project, I do NOT see the task in question. I know the task existed as of this morning when I referenced it. If I search for it by name, it does not appear as either an incomplete or complete task, it simply isn’t there. User has successfully completed other tasks today which are visible/searchable/appear as expected. User confirms he did not delete the task (we are on free version, so my understanding is that we’re not able to see recently deleted tasks, but since there’s an extra confirmation step to delete a task and other tasks he’s interacting with are behaving normally, I trust him on that). User is not on mobile. He tells me this is not the first time it has happened to him but he didn’t realize it was unexpected behavior.
What are the possible causes of this that we can try to troubleshoot? I know my way around Asana, but am hardly a power user so I’m hoping there’s something simple I’m missing. This specific instance isn’t a huge loss of data, but this could potentially be a problem if we need to refer back to an important completed task in the future. Thank you!