Hello! I am writing this on behalf of my boss - when she started the company, she used Asana with her personal email. As it’s grown, she’s created an account with her work email which she is now primarily using. She would like to now completely remove the account with her personal email, and transfer/merge all the history/data from that account into her work email account. Is this possible? Thank you for your help!
What do you mean with complete history?
When merging it is good to realise that the account you are merging to (the one where you add another email address to) is the one that keeps all settings. I’ll call this the target acccount.
I’m not 100% sure if you could merge your domain account into to a guest account.
To my knowledge these are the items that are NOT transferred over. For these the target account setttings remain:
- Portfolios (memberships, ownerships)
- Custom rules (ownerships, rule assignees)
- Goals (memberships, ownerships, assignees)
- Project ownership
- Team adminship
- Starred projects
- Reporting dashboards
- User profile settings
- API Authorization Tokens
- Personal Access Tokens
- Profile photos
Maybe someone from @ambforumleader or @pforumleader knows something I don’t.
Thank you! What I meant by all the history is, she’d like to look back and see any task done by/assigned to her through either account, is still tied to her.
Maybe we should just treat her personal email address as a employee who is off-boarding?
I think merging is still a better option, but you’d need to choose which account to merge to as that will be the one keeping all of the mentioned settings.
Where the other account was the assignee, it will be replaced by the target account. So that “history” should be maintained.
I think this help article may come in handy: https://help.asana.com/s/article/multiple-accounts-and-merging?language=en_US
Thank you so much!!
I don’t believe the recommendation addresses this request because the recommendation keeps the data in their separate, existing workspaces. The “merge” only refers merging the two email addresses such that either can be used to access the two workspaces. But that doesn’t seem to be what’s being requested: “She would like to now completely remove the account with her personal email…”.
I think the more pertinent help page is: Asana Help Center
I’m uncomfortable attempting to provide a complete answer and would point @Amy_Holt1 to Support, not the Forum, for a consequential change like this: See How to contact our Support Team.
Thank you for chiming in Larry! I will reach out to the Support Team.