Code snippets in Asana

Wowzers. Still no color-styled code blocks in Asana. Maybe we should try

i am offering to devote my resources to the code blocks issue free of charge - this is the single issue you guys must figure out asap for all of us

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Thanks so much @Yehuda_Makarov, the last guy who offered to work for free was assigned on showing the project of subtasks in My Tasks and we all know how that turned out.

This is a must, and trivial. @Bastien_Siebman do you have any updates regarding this feature?

Not at all I was just reacting to Yehuda’s comment. There is never anything trivial about software development, if I may.

I don’t know how that turned out… either way that might be apples and oranges.

It can’t be impossible to get this done it just doesn’t make sense that there is a brick wall. let’s do this! Asana needs code blocks!

This is like the 4th initiative in 3 years that I’m not using Asana for JUST because of the code blocks missing.

(Serious offer to help out)

Nobody has a timeline that handles dependencies as smoothly. So code blocks is absolutely a must.

A little progress on this subject has been made since I started using Asana years ago.

  1. Asana wraps monospace text w/ <p>``<code> blocks now.
  2. Recently they added some CSS to make that code stand out (yellow in dark theme)
  3. If you copy-paste from a rich-text editor (I use VS Code) that lints whitespace to spaces, indents are maintained.
  4. Hitting the back-tick character (`) toggles into monospace/preformatted Code Mode for selected blocks of text.
  5. Wrapping words in back-tick characters (`) as you type (first-/last-character whitespace causes issues) will make the wrapped text in Code Mode so you can mix styles.

Note: I copy text from the terminal into VS Code file w/ correct language then into Asana. This keeps whitespace that is lost from plain text sources. I’ll attach a recent sample.


Almost 6 years later and we still don’t have code blocks using backticks. Come on Asana, even this forum has it.

PS: +2000 for backticks

So far, it’s a second (or even third) redesign of the editor in asana since I’ve been using/not-using it back in 2011. How come that code blocks, being requested since 2017, don’t get into must-have features checklist of the new editor(s) to be introduced? Instead, we got an annoying notion-style “Type / for menu” placeholders on every new line that nobody asked for (I’ve done a quick search on this forum to verify)…

Comparing to other community requests, this one is top-11 by votes (among all requests, including 346 launched; top-7 among not completed) and top-10 of most discussed ones. Not implemented since 2017. This can be an excellent example of how to make people feel ignored (talking about SW teams here).

Ironically, your product feedback forum supports this insanely complicated feature.

My project manager refused to do yoga because he couldn’t find the “code block” position in Asana!

I don’t want to beat a dead horse but this feature request is 6 years old what make me think that either this is definitely not your priority or that your code base is in such bad state that adding basic markdown support is going to be too costly or too risky for you to implement.

Either way, if you plan to add real markdown support to the ticket descriptions and comments you should communicate clearly about it with at the very least some kind of timeline otherwise just let us know it’s not under your radar so we can adjust our expectations and figure out what’s the next best way to fulfill our needs. Thanks.

I thought this was pretty obvious :sweat_smile:

Asana does not communicate about the roadmap, neither they will say “we will never do such this” because that’s true: they re-evaluate everything on a regular basis. They can’t either comment every time someone posts again: the Product Feedback is here, it has raised interest, so it pretty high on their list, based on voices from the Forum. Which is one source of feedback among others.

I think they have a problem with the maximal characters in the description field. For example, if you add huge pages of text into the description then Asana crashes unexpectedly. Now adding code blocks to the text field might lead to a tremendous amount of data in code blocks and that will cause a lot of bug reports here. The only way I can explain it.

I just spend too much time trying to figure out how to do a simple code block. It is a fairly basic feature and a big disappointment that it is not done yet after 6 years.

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Would love it aswell!

	$comment = "So you're telling me that I can easily paste a code block here on the forums and have that look acceptable.".PHP_EOL;
	$comment .= "However the same thing cannot be enabled for the actual Asana application?".PHP_EOL;
	$comment .= "That's pretty lame.";

+1. While it’s good to hear there is some progress internally on this feature, the lack of updates when you clearly have a subset of users happily willing to prioritize, test, and debug this is odd.

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Cannot believe this is still an outstanding feature.



How can you all be positioning yourself as one of the top project management tools in the world, but have zero code block functionality? It just doesn’t make sense. Do you all want people to have to keep using competitors like Jira instead? Even if we don’t want to?

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Is there a way to track if you (Asana) are going to be adding proper code blocks to the comments section?

You even have it for your blog. Which is, at the very least, odd.

Can we just triple back-tick in the comment to create a code block???