Clarity all the way - Include My Tasks

I wouldn’t be a good Asana/productivity consultant if I wasn’t practicing what I preach, right?

Here are some proof I wish we can all reach as often as possible:

:love_letter: Empty personal and professional email inboxes
:mailbox_closed: Empty Asana Inbox
:broom: Clean My Tasks, with only a handful of tasks

I am not gonna lie: this is not like this every day, but at least once a week is my goal.

If you’ve never reached that level, I can tell you: the feeling is amazing. You are on top of the world :medal_sports:. You know exactly what you have to do. Each new request or email is dealt with quickly and efficiently :rocket:.

:muscle:t3: This is not easy, but this is possible. It requires consistency as well as a strategy. And I can teach you!

Reach out if you need help :superhero:t3:


I love it … thanks a lot

  1. could you explain all the custom sections you are using?
  2. Are you using any custom fields in MyTasks?


Hello everyone!

I’ve been using Asana for nearly 2 years, and for the last 6 months, I’ve also been working as a project manager at an engineering company. I believe we have some unique requirements. I have a few questions for experienced users:

  1. Is there a way to represent the structure of my project, such as system and subsystem names, and create tasks that are referenced to this lower level of subsystem? We used to create tasks and subtasks for this purpose, but now we have a rule that all tasks need to be completed. Using custom fields works, but it’s not very convenient. It would be great to create something like a task, but only for the project’s structure, not an actual task.

  2. Why doesn’t Asana allow us to see all subtasks in the list view? It’s not a very effective way to add a lot of subtasks to a project.

  3. Is there any way to create all subtasks with parent assignment and project association?

I would greatly appreciate any possible answers. Thanks!

  • :date: Meetings
  • :one: Must
  • :broom: Recently assigned (1)
  • :broom: Recently assigned (2)
  • :two: Should
  • :three: Could
  • Snooze sections
    Let me know if you want me to explain any of those or why I have 2 Recently Assigned :grimacing:

Yes :

  • our company priority field
  • a task type field we use org wide, to be able to do type specific automations
  • a “Target section” field to allow anyone to target my Must, Should or Could section

I don’t understand sorry, maybe create a dedicated thread?

I consider “adding a lot of subtasks” not something you should do :grimacing: there are of course exceptions, but maybe try to design your system with less subtasks?

You mean batch create subtasks that are multi-homed by default? no, unless they are created by a rule.


I’d love to get more information about this. I see it is more related to Eisenhower than to GTD?

  • Meetings will host one task per meeting I have in the day
  • Must, Should, Could is a way I found to triage my work. It makes more sense than P1-P2-P3…
  • I have 2 recently assigned because that’s the only way to get rules to work properly if you mix task autopromotion and type specific rules
  • Snooze sections allow me to change the due date and move to Later tasks quickly
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Hi Nicholas, I might not have the solution, but I have few suggestions/ideas. Hope it makes sense and that it will help you somehow :slightly_smiling_face:

to : Why doesn’t Asana allow us to see all subtasks in the list view? It’s not a very effective way to add a lot of subtasks to a project.

→ The reason is because your subtasks are linked to the parent task and not a project. If you only need to see the subtask you can try using advanced search. I think this is the only way to do it without any modification of some sort. You can save the URL if you always need the same one.

→ If you need to be aware of progression perhaps you can try creating a new board where you add every subtasks only. So you can define column or tags to give you information or trigger some specefic automation without breaking the principal board you already have.

To : Is there a way to represent the structure of my project, such as system and subsystem names, and create tasks that are referenced to this lower level of subsystem?

→ I believe that, if I got it right, what you are looking for could be done with an action drop down : 🎥 An action drop-down in Asana: a game changer for automation

To : Is there any way to create all subtasks with parent assignment and project association?

You might want to take a look at what you can do with imports. Yes you will have an other tool to use, but I really think you could save a lot of time if you have to create many subtasks/tasks at once or if you have many tags needed. It will only works for new tasks/subtasks, but the importation will link everything for you in that matter.

The new Gantt View is a great way to get around sub-tasks not showing in List View, as they can be expanded out with details listed down the left hand side, though depends what you’re trying to review or achieve.

could you also explain the rules, you are using for Must, Should and could?

No rules, all manual :slight_smile: I decide manually what’s the priority. The only rule is that when the due date is today is goes again into “Recently Assigned”