The Chrome extension is giving me an error that it can’t save the task and suggests I log in. I am logged in and the extension even shows me projects, so not clear what is going on. Is the extension just down temporarily perhaps?
Hi @DavidWS and apologies for the inconvenience here!
I’m also experiencing this issue and I have added your report to an existing task filed for this Bug.
I’ll make sure to keep you posted as soon as I have an update from the Team.
Please note that in my case, in spite of the error received, I could confirmed that the tasks were created anyway. Please, double check that it is the same case on your end.
Thank you for flagging this David! Have a nice day!
Running latest Chrome on Mac 10.14.6. When using the Add to Asana extension (v2.0.13) I’m getting the following error:
Cannot Create Task
Be sure you a logged in and have permissions for this project.
However, the task indeed is created within Asana. Haven’t received this error in the past until recently.
Further there’s an inconsistency between the documentation for this feature and what one actually sees as indicated in the red marked areas in the attached screenshot.
Happy Monday @Bill_Doerrfeld and thank you for reaching out!
Another user has reported this in the Forum and I’ve filed a report for the Team to investigate it.
I’m merging your post with the Bug thread to avoid duplications and to keep you posted in one thread.
Regarding the documentation, It seems this section has not been updated yet. I’m filing a task for our Guide team to review it!
Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for the report Bill!
After creating a task a browser notification appear “Cannot creat task. Be sure you´re logged in …”
But the task is still created.
Chrome newest version
Hi @OSTMOST and thank you for taking time to report this!
There is an existing Bug thread regarding this behaviour with the Chrome Extension so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post to it to avoid duplications.
As soon as I have an update from the Team I’ll make sure to share it with you in the main thread.
Thank you again for your report and apologies for the inconvenience.
This is such a major issue, lots of people predominantly use Asana through its extension and not being able to add tasks due to log in bug is a real pain. Why isn’t the team fixing it
Our customer service team only uses the chrome extension and they are getting this error… Please let me know what we can do to fix this and/or let me know when it might be fixed…
Thank you!
A post was split to a new topic: Chrome extension - Cannot connect to Asana
Hi everybody!
This issue has been already resolved so I’ve gone ahead and closed this Bug report!
Thank you all for your help and patience! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance!
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