Can you use variables to pull in custom field entries from the original/triggered task submission?

Can you use the variables to pull in custom field entries from the original/triggered task submission? I see you can do that in the description, but I’d like the custom fields themselves to populate based on what’s been entered into the original/triggered task. Same with the original due date - when i try to set the ‘relative due date’ it doesn’t seem to want to go??

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At the moment this is not possible sorry

be cool if it was tho

@Mackenzie_Mollo you might be able to do this using the Variable Substitution capability of our Flowsana integration. Could you post a specific description/example of what you’re wanting to accomplish?

This would be amazing and solve so many of my wishlist items!

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We unfortunately don’t have budget for any additional plug-ins, but thank you! I have to find a way to work around this within the existing parameters of Enterprise.


thank you, you solved my problem

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