"Can Comment" only user settings

Hi Asana family,

Would a project collaborator be able to still “Duplicate” a project even if their setting is assigned as “Can Comment” only?

I’ve created a template that I would want for my team to use, but don’t want them to accidentally change the automations of this main project template.

Thank you,

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Hi @JP_Altamirano

You can safely setup the collaborator to have “Comment-only” permissions, as they will then not be able to make any changes to any automations etc

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Hi @JP_Altamirano, the Asana family is happy to support !

Please find here the complete guide about project permissions

Here is a useful image taken out of that guide:

Thanks @Richard_Sather for recently mentioning this image (in an Ambassador category article that I couldn’t link here :wink:)

But to answer your question, YES, “Comment only” project members will still be able to duplicate a project :slight_smile:
I’ve tested it myself in a project where I’m comment only (see screenshot)


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