Hey! Is there the option to hide completed tasks in the CALENDAR view? This functionality exists as a filter almost everywhere else. Thanks!
I think we’re on the same page! I love and prefer calendar view, but I want to be able to ONLY see incomplete tasks in each of the days on screen. And if I could have it all… Maybe the tasks disappear after a ~10 second delay
Agreed, this would make the Calendar view a lot more valuable to me.
Me, too. Definitely would be nice to have that option.
Yes! This is definitely a needed feature!
There is something that you can do:
- search advance all your incomplete tasks
- select the Calendar view in results
- Save as a report…
This is the workaround I use.
Advanced search is a premium feature. Myself and only one other person use Asana at my company (sad).
I would upgrade if there was a price for a single user, but I get the tiered structure Asana offers.
Hi there, we are new users to Asana and find it very useful and practical, however this feature will make life a lot easier and more productive! Asana, please see if you can help the community out here and just add a view that you have everywhere else already. Thanks!!
Yes, I agree fully - there needs to be a calendar view/filter that shows ONLY incomplete tasks - please make this happen ASANA!!!
Where are we at with this? Should be simple to just check the complete status before rendering the calader or timeline. I definitely need to hide completed tasks from the timeline view or its hard to tell what’s left to do in complex projects.
New to Asana and disappointed this is not standard. Is there somewhere we can go to see if it is even on the radar for Asana developers? Or can someone from Asana comment here as to status.
Seems like this standard feature is a bit more difficult than I thought for them to implement, I’m waiting for it!!!
Hi - just reposting this original post from @Khat_Vesal to hopefully get some traction on this. I think a lot of people would love it if it could be implemented.
Continuing the discussion from Calendar - HIDE completed TASKS:
Still would love to see this, in even a medium sized organization, the calendar view gets busy very quickly!
Hoi, little bump for this feature request.
YESSSS! Please. The calendar gets so cluttered with all of the completed tasks still showing up.
I would also really like to see this request implemented.
Agreed- please add this feature!
Yes, please add this feature.
Yes please! It would help keep things organized!