I’m using Asana in concert with Instagantt. This new problem just started showing up.
I noticed that many Project X subtasks were showing up in the No Project section of My Tasks in Asana. I dragged and dropped them back into Project X, where they were originally, but when I do, they are bumped out of their parent task in Instagantt. When I use Instagantt to place the subtasks back inside their parent, they get bumped back in to No Project in Asana.
Any ideas?
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Ryan - I am having the same issue. Did you ever find a way to resolve?
@danielguajardok have you seen this happen - any ideas? This sounds to me like a strange Asana business logic thing that might be an edge case we have to work out as it gets translated to Instagantt. Perhaps related to our somewhat odd task parenting + project multi-homing behavior in Asana (i.e. tasks can only be subtasks of a single task, but can separately be placed in one or more projects, even if that’s one of the same projects as their parent task is in)
Thanks for looping me in @Matt_Bramlage!
That’s exactly the issue.
Let’s say we have a project (Project A) with Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3, and Task 1 has 3 subtasks.
In Asana, it will look like:
Project A
In Instagantt, it will look like:
Project A
As you said, In Asana, subtasks does not inherit their parent task project(s), so they don’t show on the main project list. When people want to make them appear on the main Asana project list, they force those subtasks to be part of the project. When that happen, we read them from the API as “regular tasks” instead of as subtasks. That’s a decision from our side (not a technical issue). So when the subtasks have been manually added to the project, they don’t show indented in Instagantt anymore.
And when in Instagantt you want to make them a “subtask” again, we remove the project.
It’s a business logic hard to make compatible between the both apps… we can definitely work to find something
We continue to have the same problem. Our organization within a project has become a mess because employees are pulling sub-tasks out of the task into the main project and it has caused confusion. We need the sub-task to inherit the main task/project information.
Totally agree on this. When I contacted support, I was told that I could add the subtasks to the project the same way that tasks are added to a project now - HOWEVER, by doing that, my subtasks are being listed under the main task, as well as in the project itself. Very frustrating.
An additional issue we have is that when looking at “My Tasks,” the project isn’t listed for subtasks the way it is for main tasks. When you’re an agency, knowing which project (or in our case, client) a task is for is vital for planning out your day. We’re having to create separate tags to indicate which client / project the task is assigned to so we don’t have to click into each subtask when prioritizing our days.
I’m having this problem too - subtasks are shown under the “No Project” section. Has anyone found a fix or workaround?
in “My Tasks” view, when I see the list of tasks assigned to me, The project that those subtasks is relates is not showing. Only when I click on the subtask and appears in the left pannel with full description I can see it.
This may be a bug, and it makes no sense to me.
This issue makes lose perspective on the project that has more thing pending on user´s side.
Thank you for your support.
A subtask does not inherit automatically the parent’s task project information, you have to click on the subtask and add it to the project.
Have you added the subtasks to the project?
If yes then it’s a bug.
If no then this is the explanation.
Concerning subtasks you can have many information here:
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Hey! I have same issue. But your solution does not seem to understand the point. It is NOT that I expect subtask to be automatically be part of parent’s project. I have task A which is already part of some project, then make this task as subtask to another task B (which is in some other project, but that’s not even relevant here), then this old task A will loose the existing project and I need to re-add it.
I have noticed one more interesting aspect - it looks like if my task A has several projects, then only one of them is removed, and the others are still kept. This looks random and obviously makes it even more confusing, as sometimes “project loosing” does not seem to happen. Sorry, but this random automatic loosing data does not seem “feature” to me at all.
Attaching how the problem looks like in Task history. The second event was automatic, unexpected and confusing, and person did not know that it happened. The reporters here are talking about this problem.
Hi there,
We’ve recently started using Asana and I think our use case is similar to yours @Jaak_Laineste. We keep subtasks within a Task, but add them to a separate project at the top level.
What I think is happening is that it’s possible to have:
Project A > Task 1 > Task 1.1
where Task 1.1 is also
Project B > Task 1.1
However, this can only be achieved by creating the Task 1.1 as a subtasks of Task 1 and then adding Task 1.1 to Project B from within the Task 1.1 view.
If Task 1.1 is created from Project B, then made a subtask of Project A > Task 1, then Task 1.1 is removed from Project B.
Essentially this only works in one direction, where it’s created as a subtask and added to a separate project.
Some of the other Use Cases indicate keeping the subtask visible at two different levels of the same Project, and I believe that’s impossible by Asana’s existing business logic.
I would love to see a feature where moving a task to be a subtask within another project will preserve both parent projects, potentially switching which “primary” project it’s under, but not removing the original entirely.