Budget / Expense tracking


Has anyone customized an Asana project for marketing budget / expense tracking? Any tips/tricks?

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Does this help?

This is a private area. May I move this thread to Tips and Tricks so 600k+ others can benefit too?



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Thanks so much! This was really helpful! i was able to finalize customize budget tracking project. Yes, you may move to rips and tricks!

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I actually have another question, if I may. Maybe you can help me. I have a Budget 2024 (project) where I collect all expenses for the year, but I also created a secondary budget (project) for our flagship event since I have to create separate reports. Now, both projects have the “Expense” column (from the library), which I thought they would populate information between each other once I created the custom rule to add task to another project. But it is not. My goal is whenever I add a task and expense to Event Budget that all data will auto populate to Budget 2024. Not sure if I explained myself correctly.


If a task shows as having been added to both projects (multi-homed), and in both projects you did Customize > Add field > Choose from Library > Expense, then Expense should be a shared field (there should be one field named Expense, not two) and setting Expense’s value in the task from either project should update.

If the problem is not with the field but with your rule not putting the task in the other project, show a screenshot of the full rule.

