The billing requirement to pay for seats in groups of five is really limiting to small companies, and non profits. Paying for these extra seats when there is no one in your organization to use them, limits access to this platform. We have a team of 11, whom would all like to have access on Asana for continuity, but we cannot afford to pay for four unused seats. Additionally, when you sign up you select your company employees the selection is 1-14, which is odd given your billing model.
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Hi @anon35421377, thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback with us! We have recently introduced a premium and business option for teams of 2, 3, and 4 people and we shared an updated in the main thread . We are currently not planning to implement upgrades for a single seat or add-ons for single users but we will make sure to let you know and update the main thread if we have any plans in the future!