Automated comments from asana?? Suddenly out of the blue

Please help! I am suddenly getting these automated comments (and emails) but also comments from asana .
I can’t get it to stop and it is a huge problem!! I need to stop it immediately please this is what it sends with every new little thing I do!

[Automated message] Thanks for the suggestion! If we can’t fit this into our next meeting, I’ll make sure we cover it in the following one.

Welcome, @kkutinadpt,

You or someone has created a project from the Asana-provided “Meeting Agenda” template which has the following built-in rule:

Click on the project > Customize > Rules menu > Thanks for the suggestion rule > and then click Active to change the rule to Paused to stop it. Repeat for other projects from that same template, if any.




Good catch, @lpb!

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omg thank you I will try this now, I just saw your email.



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