Turning off Inbox Notifications for applied rules

I couldn’t find any way so far to turn off the notification Asana generates in my Inbox, after applying a rule to a task. If I move a batch of tasks in my project and a certain rule (or more than one) gets triggered, my inbox becomes quite cluttered with notifications.

If there is a way to turn these automatic notifications of, help is highly appreciated :wink: If there is not such a feature, then it would be a great thing to implement :+1:t3:


Thanks for the feedback @Philip_McCreight, I don’t believe there is an option yet to allow you to disable notifications generated by Rules, but I agree it would be super useful, i’ve gone ahead and made a task for the Team who worked on Rules to consider for the next update, I’ll keep you posted here when I have some news!


@Marie That will be great. I am too looking for the same fix to allow my Inbox to be more focused.


Hi folks and thanks for your patience! We just rolled a fix to prevent inbox notifications when you trigger your own Rule!

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Well that was in fact pretty fast :slight_smile: Thanks, that helps a lot.


Hello, is there a way to limit the number of notifications when someone creates a task that is based on Rules? The automation adds several custom fields at once and it creates clutter in other people’s inbox.

I guess it’s possible to switch off notification related to custom field change or remove collaborators on the task but this is not helpful. Any tips, please?

Thanks, Honza

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Yeah, I also find that automated rules add too much noise in my inbox. I don’t need an “Asana rule” notification telling me a task was marked as completed because I moved it in the Done section.

I’d rather prefer to decide whether I want such notification be sent (at the rule level), or a way to “hide forever” that notification so that I can get it once only.


Thank you for sharing your feedback with us @honzapav and @Ambroise_Unly.org

I’m merging this thread with an existing one we have regarding this topic to consolidate feedback. I hope it’s OK.

Have a nice week!


Thanks. When you merge, our comments are moved to the merged thread then? I see upvotes aren’t keep though.

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Correct @Ambroise_Unly.org! I can see your vote casted your vote already! Thank you very much!

I have done some searching and so far not found anything. Is there a way to turn off notifications for when someone else triggers a rule you created?

For example, I made a rule for someone that every time they add a task to their project it will assign them. I am not getting a notification every time that rule runs. Can I turn that off?

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Hello @Jerrica, happy to help! If understand correctly what you are saying, each time that someone adds a task in their project you are getting a notification by a rule you created?

This happens when you are also a member of that project and you have some of the notifications turned on.

Please follow the following steps and let me know if this works:

Open the project > click on the members list at the top and go into the notification settings.

When you invite someone in a project, there is a checkbox in the invitation dialog to decide whether or not they should be notified when a new task is created.

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I have the notifications turned off but because I created a rule that auto assigns tasks.

Here is another example of a rule notification I would like to turn off:

Because I created that rule for Laura every time it runs I get a notification.


@Jerrica - I guess “Laura” and “Laura’s Completed” are sections in your Project named “Team Brainstorm”?

If that is correct, you can create, modify, or delete rules in the following screenshot:

  1. Top right corner of your project select “Customize”
  2. Select “Rules”
  3. Add rule, or modify existing ones.

Please let me know if this helps.

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Hi @Jerrica, thanks for reaching out!

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:

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I’m having the same issue as Jerrica- I created all the rules used in the template across my company. Is there a way to remove the notifications I receive each time a rule is triggered?



Welcome to the community Meredith!

Unfortunately at this time there is not a feature that can remedy this. I am just archiving the notifications in my inbox as I get them to try to keep the clutter in check.

It seems like it would be an easy fix to eliminate the notifications every time a rule is triggered. I like rules, they save lots of time but I don’t have time to go in and archive all of the stories. I’m thinking of not using rules because I can’t see the real work in the midst of all of the ‘Asana moved this from here to there’ junk.