Auto Translation for Task Title, Description, Comments


I’m currently using Asana in multi-national team and was wondering if there’s a way to auto translate Task Title, Description, and Comments?

Let’s say I created a task in Japanese, e.g. Japanese Task Title and Japanese Description, and want to share with Japanese speakers AND English speakers, is there a best way to auto translate on Asana, e.g. for Japanese speakers they would see in Japanese and for English speakers the task is shown in English?

Ideally, it would be great to auto translate comments as well, so that Japanese and English speakers can both comment with their local language.

Any advice would be great!

Thanks in advance for your attention.


I am currently also in multi national team, my tasks are in german, but I would like them to be translated to english, is there solution for this?

We too work in a multinational team where some people do not speak English. It would be really helpful if we could translate the tasks, descriptions and comments to the native language of the person reading task!

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Hi @Roy_Slagter , welcome to the forum :wave:

I’ve moved this thread into the Product Feedback category where yourself and other can now vote on.

(I couldn’t find an existing thread to vote on)

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Hi Richard,

Thanks for moving it to the #product-feedback channel. I can’t find it though! Do you have a link for me?

Hi @Roy_Slagter , it’s this same thread, just changed to another category as you can see below the thread title at the top :wink:

This would be super helpful for me too! USA and Korea here. Just launched ops in Belgium as well

+1, interested in translation built into the app with some simple config, add-ons, or other native changes (moving in and out of translators is unproductive)

Please include Mandarin and/or Simple Chinese with English translation

Same, it would really make asana more useful if there was a way for our international teams to view in their respective languages. The export/translate/import would only be helpful at one stage to share. Its not practical as asana is updated daily


Looking forward to this feature. It will enhance collaboration within our multi-national team and demonstrate a powerful, practical use case for GenAI, which sets Asana apart from other tools.