Attachments suddenly won't upload

everything I try to attach is png – always a snip (screen grab). I an now using incognito as I am able to attach images there. Thanks for the help, anything you
can suggest would be great!

If it works with an incognito window, the issue probably comes from an extension installed on your browser, so I’d recommend disabling one per one the latest extension you might have installed to find out which one is causing this issue :slight_smile:

Hi Marie,

This happened again. The item was added January 14th, 2019 and is under 5 mb. I downloaded the PDF to my computer first before uploading it to Asana.

So sorry for the trouble @Anthony_Lozano,

I would recommend reaching out to our support team, so they can investigate this in more details. I would also advise you to provide them with the following details to help seeping up investigations:

  1. The URL of this conversation to provide our support team with some context
  2. The URL your attachement was attached to
  3. If possible, a copy of your PDF

Apologies for not being able to help you further via the Forum Anthony; if there is anything else I can help with, please let me know!