Attachments/Files as a field type

In ‘Fields’ it would be useful to have a field type of files/attachments. This currently doesn’t exist.


Hi @Tanya_Frankel-Waxman, thanks for reaching out!

If you want to have more visibility if there are files attached on each task, you can add a drop-down Custom Field called “Files/Attachments” and add the options “Yes or No”.

I hope this helps! If this is not what you would like to achieve, please let me know and send me more information or screenshots. I’ll be happy to have a closer look :slight_smile:

Hi @Emily_Roman and thanks for your reply.

I was hoping that the attachment itself would be the field so that I wouldn’t need to open the task in order to access the file. Did I explain the difference well enough? Let me know if I was clear/not…

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for following up and clarifying your request @Tanya_Frankel-Waxman! I see what you mean and you are right, this feature is currently not available. I have gone ahead and moved this thread to the Product Feedback category to allow other users to upvote!


Great, thank you very much!

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Add a field for documents so you can attach files to the given project or calendar event.

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You can have a text field for a link or drag the document into the task.

For projects, you can add files to the Overview tab.

so i’d like to have an invoice field, so that I can run automation that based on status of a task, send a given file attached (invoice in that case) to a specific person

Would love to follow up and understand if this is already developed?

Any news on the subject?

I would like the ability to add attachments at the view level in a project. Right now there is no way to create a field type that is an attachment or a URL. This would make it so much easier than using the Overview option or attaching in a card. We use our project view with our CEO, who doesn’t have time to click into every card, to show projects that have documents in them to be reviewed. Airtable has this functionality (actually they have really robust field type options). I have a workround now which is sharing a google link in the column, but love the ability to actually attach file and have it see at view level.

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Hi @Kelly_Velasquez-Hagu , welcome to the forum :wave:

I’m merging your post and vote into this existing thread.

Any updates on this Asana? has this feature and it is GREAT!


How do you get to this Product Feedback section? I’d love to upvote this feature


You’re already there - this thread you just commented on is in that section! :slightly_smiling_face:

Just scroll up to the top of this thread and click the purple “Vote” button to add your vote.

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This would be extremely helpful and seems silly that Asana doesn’t already support it.

This would be so helpful! And I could imagine this being really useful for automations (e.g., trigger when a file is added, conditional on whether there is/isn’t a file attached, etc.).