Assign tasks to roles instead of people (Holacracy)


I would like to ask for this feature request: To have the figure of roles to be assigned to tasks instead of people (Holacracy).

Is it already possible, if so, I would love to know how to implement this! T

haanks :wink:

This is something I too would like to see as I don’t believe it’s currently possible. It would also be good to be able to create roles after a project has been created as sometimes these change or new ones are identified as a project gets going. At present, I think you can only create roles at the onset.

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@George_McDougall Is this what you mean? Fill project roles after project creation

@Andressa3 How would you work with this in practice?

  • Would you leave it not assigned to a specific person?
  • Or is this a form of Assign multiple assignees on one task ? (That last one is not going to happen…)
  • Is there any reason against using a custom field to indicate the Assigned role?