Assign multiple assignees on one task

Our team needs this to promote collaboration/leadership.

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Your assumption is based on the fact that we have choices. That’s not always the case, especially with government contracts. We get to work with who we get to work with, we can’t just switch companies on the fly.

Asana customers have been asking for this for almost a decade and Asana is just avoiding it hoping it will go away? There have been over 200 THOUSAND views, and it’s estimated it would take me 130 minutes to read through all the comments. This is clearly something very important to paying customers but not to the company? Strange approach. Why does Asana feel the need to control “accountability” for companies and users? Why can’t they manage how they’d prefer? If you want to have a single assignee and use it for accountability purposes, great, do that. If you don’t? Cool, just provide the capability and let people use it how they want. If they screw it up, it’s on them isn’t it?


For anyone curious if there’s a workaround out there
 sort of. We’ve found that creating a Board for each team member is essentially the same as Assignee. You CAN add a task to multiple projects. And then we’ve set up automations to help with some of the legwork, but really takes an involved Project Manager to keep things clean and tidy. This has been super helpful to our team when it comes to collaboration on tasks. We do still assign back and forth, signifying “ownership” if you will of that task. For example, we might have a design lead be Assigned the task, but other designers have it on their board as well so they can track time to the same ticket. Would still love to see Asana change this and add that sort of functionality, but sometimes you have to get creative to make tools work in your environment. Give it a try and see if it helps. Good luck!